CORBA 2.6.1 Programmer's Guide for C++

using to initialize event framework, Writing a Client Wrapper for a Context-Free Pathsend Requester
OSS (see Open System Services (OSS))
OTS client stub,
Components of Transaction Service Implementation
Parallel Library TCP/IP, using, Using Parallel Library TCP/IP
Parallel processing
considerations for,
Parallel Processing and Its Implications
with stateless and stateful requests, Parallel Processing and Its Implications
pathmon (see Application profiles)
PATHMON process, role in availability,
Stateful and Stateless Objects
Pathsend procedures
limitations on use in NonStop CORBA servers,
Writing a Client Wrapper for a Context-Free Pathsend Requester
using in TS/MP server wrapper, Calling a Context-Free or Context-Sensitive Pathsend Server for Waited Operations
Pathsend requester
context-free, client wrapper for,
Writing a Client Wrapper for a Context-Free Pathsend Requester
context-sensitive, client wrapper for, Writing Other Types of Client Wrappers
Performance, tuning NonStop CORBA applications for, Tuning Applications for Performance
Persistent objects
and state policy,
State Policy
in application design, Designing Object Interfaces and Classes
POA policy for stateful and stateless objects
choosing for a server wrapper,
Calling a Context-Free or Context-Sensitive Pathsend Server for Waited Operations
description of, State Policy
port_number (see Application profiles)
Portable threading interface (see vthread API)
Porting applications from other ORBs,
Porting CORBA Applications to NonStop CORBA
not supported on NonStop systems,
Using the yield(), join() and cancel() Methods
on other platforms, Creating and Using a Mutex
Preemption_Mutex class, Creating and Using a Mutex
Preprocessing (see IDL compiler)
Preprocessor options, IDL compiler,
Preprocessor Options
Prerequisite knowledge for writing NonStop CORBA applications, Before You Begin
of processes,
Adjusting Process Priorities
of threads, Creating and Using Threads
Process-blocking operations
explanation of,
Multithreading in Server Implementations
increasing concurrency for, Using Multithreaded Servers
isolating in applications, Object Distribution
jacket procedures to convert to thread-blocking, Multithreading in Server Implementations
automatic restart,
Stateful and Stateless Objects
management using TS/MP, Writing Your Application to Use Server Pools
priority, Adjusting Process Priorities