CORBA 2.6.1 Readme

NonStop_CORBA_2.6.1_R eadme.txt
NSK_SW Subdirectory containing NonStop Kernel component
files, including installation utilities and
SOFTDOCS Subdirectory containing all Product Version
WS_SW Subdirectory containing workstation component files.
INSTALL_CORBA.EXE: Self-extracting workstation-based
installer for NonStop CORBA 2.6.1
This installer will install RTK,
SDK, and/or SSLIOP.
JORBLITE.EXE: Self-extracting JORB Lite.
NSDCONSOLE.EXE: Self-extracting NonStop
Distributed Component Console.
VSEP.BAT: Installation script for VSEP files.
VSEP.ZIP: Zip file containing the idl compiler and the
include files to support the use of the Visual
Studio Extension Package NonStop Edition for
application development on a workstation.
VIII. JORB Lite installation and configuration instructions
1. Execute the file WS_SW\JORBLITE.EXE on your CD by double
clicking on it in Windows Explorer. You will be prompted for a
directory where you want to place the files. The default
directory is "c:\jorblite". If you want to enter a different
directory name, do so and continue. Note that the installer will
update your PATH and CLASSPATH. You will end up with the
following directory structure (<jorblite-dir> is the directory in
which you installed JORB Lite):
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