CORBA 2.6.1 Readme

NonStop_CORBA_2.6.1_R eadme.txt
2. Unzip the following documentation zip files in the same directory
that they reside in:
You can use an application like "WinZip" to do this.
3. You will need to obtain a "C" preprocessor, such as "cl" from
Microsoft's Visual C++ (needed by IDL compiler). You will also
need to ensure that the "cl.exe" program is accessible from the
PATH environment variable. The idl2java script executes IDL using
the "cl.exe" program to preprocess information in the IDL file.
The error "nsdidl: Error:could not run preprocessor: "
cl -E -C filename.idl
CreateProcess: cl -E -C filename.idl error=2"
will be received if the "cl.exe" program can not be found by the
NSDIDL compiler.
NOTE: If you wish to use GNU's "C" preprocessor (cpp), you will
need to edit bin\idl2java.bat and change "cl" to "cpp". GNU's "C"
preprocessor can be found on the web at sites such as (under cygwin [full release]). You will also need
to ensure that the "cpp.exe" program is accessible from the PATH
environment as above.
4. In using the Java 2 platform, you need to copy lib\
to <Java 2 root directory>\jre\lib.
5. If you want to use
org.omg.CORBA.ORB.resolve_initial_references("NameService"), you
must also modify the RootNamingContextIORFile setting in the
<jorblite-dir>\lib\lite.dbm file so that it looks like:
NS@name_service_settings RootNamingContextIORFile
The file "NameService" must contain the root naming context IOR
of the Naming Service running on a remote NonStop NonStop
system. The NonStop CORBA subsystem creates this file when it
is configured on the NonStop S-series system. It is created
in the directory "<NonStop CORBA installation dir>/urls" on
the NonStop s-series system. You must copy this file from the
NonStop S-series system into the "<jorblite-dir>\urls"
directory. You can use the Console or FTP to copy this file.
***Special NOTE***
You will want to copy this file to your workstation after each
NonStop CORBA re-configuration on the NonStop S-series
6. JORB Lite is now installed and configured. You can now build
and run the samples.
IX. ETK Installation Instructions
If you wish to use the Visual Studio Extension Package NonStop
Edition (VSEP-NSE) product for developing your NonStop CORBA
applications you must follow the procedure outlined below. Any
reference to the <Install Dir> in the instructions means the top
level directory where the files to be placed,
1. Create the <Install Dir>
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