Data Transformation Engine Introduction to the Design Studio

Introduction to the Design Studio
Chapter 4 - Map Designer
The Map Designer is the application in the Design Studio that is used to specify
data transformation logic in the form of map rules.
The Map Designer uses the definition of data objects created in the Type Designer
as inputs and outputs and provides the functionality to specify rules for the
transformation and routing of data.
Maps are analyzed, compiled, and tested using the Map Designer. Each map
defines input and output specifications. Map rules entered in the Map Designer
operate on input data objects and build output data objects.
You build and run maps using the Map Designer on a Windows platform. You can
also use the Map Designer to build a map to be run on another platform. Each
map can be built for a specific platform, and then executed on that platform to
perform the transformation of the data.
To use the Map Designer, you must already have created or generated the type
tree(s) that define your data. The Map Designer uses the data object definitions
that are stored in those type trees.
After defining data objects and their properties in the Type Designer, define the
map in the Map Designer to specify the source of the input and the target of the
output. Sources and targets are specified with map cards. Each map can have
none or more input cards, and one or more output cards.
The Map Designer is used to:
Create maps to specify the logic necessary to transform the input data to the
desired output data.
Identify the source and data objects of the input data.
Identify the target and data objects of the output data.
Specify and build the output data according to the map rules.
Provide information about data validation by generating trace files.
View the run results of the map execution.