Data Transformation Engine Introduction to the Design Studio

Chapter 4 - Map Designer Maps
Introduction to the Design Studio
Map source files contain two kinds of maps: executable maps and functional maps.
Executable Maps
An executable map is a map responsible for processing the input data and
generating the output data. The sources and targets of an executable map are
entire files, database tables, messages, applications, and so on. Think of an
executable map as the main map, the top-level map. Executable maps are
compiled and run.
In the Navigator, the icon for an executable map is blue (
). A map is identified
as an executable map when a data source or target is specified for each card.
Functional Maps
Functional maps are called from executable maps or from other functional maps.
To map a group in the input to a different group in the output, use a functional
map. Functional maps take one or more input objects and generate one output
object. A functional map is like a sub-routine; it maps a portion of data at a time.
The composition of maps appears in the Composition window of the Map
Designer Navigator. A map that is used as a functional map appears underneath
the map that calls it.
ContactToLabel executable map
F_MakeLabels functional map
Executable maps require that a data source or target be specified for each card. If
a data source or target is not specified for each card, the map is a functional map.
In the Navigator, the icon for a functional map is gray (
). A map is identified as
an executable map when a data source or target is specified for each card.