Data Transformation Engine Introduction to the Design Studio

Chapter 8 - Design Studio Reference Non-printable Hex and Decimal Values
Introduction to the Design Studio
Character Hex value Decimal
NULL 00 0 <NULL>
StartOfHeading 01 1 <SOH>
StartofTeXt 02 2 <STX>
EndofTeXt 03 3 <ETX>
EndOfTrans. 04 4 <EOT>
ENQuiry 05 5 <ENQ>
ACKnowlege 06 6 <ACK>
BELL 07 7 <BELL>
BackSpace 08 8 <BS>
HorizTab 09 9 <HT>
LineFeed 0A 10 <LF>
VerticalTab 0B 11 <VT>
FormFeed 0C 12 <FF>
CarriageReturn 0D 13 <CR>
ShiftOut 0E 14 <SO>
ShiftIn 0F 15 <SI>
DataLinkEscape 10 16 <DLE>
DeviceControl1 11 17 <DC1>
DeviceControl2 12 18 <DC2>
DeviceControl3 13 19 <DC3>
DeviceControl4 14 20 <DC4>
NegativeAcK 15 21 <NAK>
SYNchron.Idle 16 22 <SYNI>
EndTransBlock 17 23 <ETB>
CANcel 18 24 <CAN>
EndofMedium 19 25 <EM>
SUBstitute 1A 26 <SUB>