Data Transformation Engine Services Guide

Chapter 1 – Tuxedo Transformation Server
The Tuxedo Transformation Server may use any of the supplied adapters for communicating with
databases, messaging systems, and so on, as well as interfacing with other Tuxedo services through the
Tuxedo Adapter.
How it Works
The Tuxedo Transformation Server’s configuration file (mercserv.cfg) contains a list of maps,
execution options, and the number of the output card that will contain the response message. The
following figure shows a sample configuration file.
When booted by the command tmboot, Tuxedo starts the Tuxedo Transformation Server process which
then reads the configuration file and registers the map names as service names. Once started, a Tuxedo
client can call a Tuxedo service (through tpcall) and pass data to Tuxedo. Tuxedo will route this
message to the Tuxedo Transformation Server, which will then start the correspondingly named map
and pass the input buffer to input card 1. The map runs, and may invoke adapters during the course of its
execution, or may forward data to other Tuxedo services through the Tuxedo Adapter. Finally, the
output card designated as the response is passed back to the calling client. Note that the client controls
the transaction, and may commit or roll back the whole transaction, even if a sequence of Tuxedo
services is called. (Note that only Tuxedo services may partake in this transaction. If other Mercator
adapters are used, their transactions will be independent of the client’s transaction.)
See the Getting Started Guide for installation procedures for the Tuxedo Transformation Server on
NonStop servers.
To understand the setup for mercserv, follow the example in the directory
/usr/tandem/nsdte/examples/Tuxedo/TransformationServer directory on the NonStop. This directory
contains a readme.txt that explains how to configure and run the Tuxedo Transformation Server.
In summary, the steps required are:
1 Use existing type trees, or use the Tuxedo FML or View importers to generate type trees
that correspond to your data.
2 Develop one or more maps that use these type trees. Each map should have the data
being sent to the Tuxedo service as input card 1, and response message calling back to
the Tuxedo client as one of the outputs.