Data Transformation Engine Services Guide

Chapter 4 – Start-up and Configuration Scripts
and if the following config.src file is sourced in to set ORB properties:
catch {entitydelete tcp_server@ORB}
entity tcp_server@ORB {
tcp_server true
port_number 0
PreloadMaps 5
since the PreloadMaps value is set to 5, the NonStop DTE CORBA Transformation Server maintains
the five most recently used maps in memory. When a sixth map is given for transformation, the server
loads the given map into memory, makes it the most recently used one, and deletes the least recently
used map from memory. The LRU algorithm uses the compiled Mapname as the key to perform all the
caching-related operations.
The ORB property PreloadMaps should be sourced in before starting the server to enable map
caching. The server does not recognize the changes made to PreloadMaps once the server is
started. To reflect the changes done on PreloadMaps stop the server and source in the entity with
the new PreloadMaps before starting the server again.
If the PreloadMaps value is not set in the entity, the server assumes the value is zero (0) and no
caching takes place. That is, not setting the PreloadMaps value in the entity is the same as setting it
zero (0).
The changes made to the maps cached in memory do not get reflected until the maps are removed
from cache by the server. HP recommends that while developing a Map (in the test/development
environment), that you turn off the map caching option.
Maps that are called inside the main Map using RUN() function cannot be cached.