Data Transformation Engine Services Guide

Chapter 9 – BEA TUXEDO Messaging Adapters
Trace (-T)
Use the Trace adapter command (-T) to produce a log file with the default name the m4tux.log in the
map execution directory. The Trace adapter command (-T) is used with data sources or data targets to
enable adapter tracing.
Optionally, you can specify a directory location and a name (full path) for the trace file to be created.
-T [
The trace file records all the input commands, called functions, found messages, and return values from
all called functions.
Top (-TOP)
Use the Top adapter command (-TOP) to place the message on the top of the queue when accessing a
Tuxedo /Q for data targets. The Tuxedo /Q queue must support non-FIFO (first in, first out) queueing.
Note The Top adapter command (-TOP) is only valid when calling a Tuxedo /Q for data targets.
Transaction Timeout (-TT)
Use the Transaction Timeout adapter command (-TT) for data sources and data targets to specify the
transaction timeout period. The default value for the transaction timeout is 0, which specifies that the
transaction will never timeout.
Option Description
The number of seconds of the transaction timeout period.
For example, to specify a transaction timeout of ten seconds, the syntax would be:
-TT 10
Implementation of the transaction logic varies for the Tuxedo and Tuxedo (MT) messaging adapters.
See the Transactional Behavior section for more information.
Note The Transaction Timeout adapter command (-TT) applies whether the Map Designer
AdapterSource > OnFailure or AdapterTarget > OnFailure setting is Rollback or Commit.