Data Transformation Engine Services Guide

Chapter 9 – BEA TUXEDO Messaging Adapters
Transactional Behavior
The BEA Tuxedo messaging adapter transactional behavior is defined by the following rules:
Tuxedo Client or Server Transactional Behavior
Tuxedo Client A Tuxedo client is specified when the adapter is executed from within a Tuxedo client
and the Caller Mode adapter command specifies a caller mode of client (-M C). The first map card that
that references the adapter starts a transaction.
Tuxedo Server A Tuxedo server is specified when the adapter is executed from within a Tuxedo
service and the Caller Mode adapter command specifies a caller mode of (-M S). No transaction is
started from within a Tuxedo server. Service calls are part of the Tuxedo client transaction and can be
rolled back by the client.
Implementation of the transaction logic in the Tuxedo and Tuxedo (MT) messaging adapters are
different. The application of transaction logic is determined by the input or output card settings in the
Map Designer.
Tuxedo (MT) Transaction Logic
In the Map Designer, when the AdapterSource and AdapterTarget settings are Tuxedo (MT), each
input or output card can be defined as part of the same transaction, or each card can be defined to have
its own transaction.
The adapter listen function dequeues messages inside a transaction and rollbacks the transaction when
enough messages are dequeued to create an event. Rolling back the transaction adapter simulates “peek
message(s). If the retry count is zero, the peek message(s) will be put in the error queue instead of the
queue from which the message(s) were dequeued.
Multiple cards as part of the same transaction
The execution of multiple map cards as part of the same transaction is achieved when these map card
settings are defined with the same values for the following settings:
AdapterScope setting is Map or Burst
OnFailure, either Rollback or Commit
CardMode, either Burst or Integral
The transaction time is defined with the Transaction Timeout adapter command (-TT) on the map card
which is called first.
Multiple cards as separate transactions
Separate transactions are achieved when the AdapterScope setting is Card.