Data Transformation Engine Services Guide

Chapter 9 – BEA TUXEDO Messaging Adapters
Tuxedo Transaction Logic
In the Map Designer, when the AdapterSource and AdapterTarget settings are Tuxedo, each input or
output card is executed in the currently active Tuxedo transaction. Different map cards cannot have
separate transactions because only a single transaction can be active at the same time.
This single transaction limit requires that all input and output map cards with the AdapterSource and
AdapterTarget settings of Tuxedo must have the same AdapterScope setting, the same CardMode
setting, and the same OnFailure setting.
If these settings are not the same on each map card, the error message Transaction already
started, couldn’t start the new one! appears.
Map cards will share the same transaction when the map cards have the following card settings:
AdapterScope = Map or Burst
OnFailure, either Rollback or Commit
CardMode, either Burst or Integral (for input cards only, output cards have no CardMode
Tuxedo Example #1
A map has two input cards with the AdapterSource setting of Tuxedo and one output card with the
AdapterTarget setting of Tuxedo.
Map Designer Card Settings
The following card settings are defined in the Map Designer. All input cards have the following input
card settings:
AdapterSource > OnFailure = Rollback
InputData > CardMode = Burst
AdapterSource > AdapterScope = Map
SourceAdapterCommand has the Transaction Timeout adapter command with the following
transaction timeouts specified for each input card:
Input #1 –TT 100
Input #2 –TT 10000
The output card has the following output card settings:
AdapterTarget > OnFailure = Rollback
AdapterTarget > AdapterScope = Map
TargetAdapterCommand has the Transaction Timeout adapter command with the following
transaction timeout specified: