Define Process Manual

Define Process Command
2-4 131360— Define Process Manual
Process Definition Commands
LIB [ file-name ]
selects a user library file of object routines that is searched before the system
library file to satisfy external references in the program being run. If you give
the name of a library file, the program uses that library until you select another.
The library file name is linked to the program file and remains in use for all runs
of the program until you specify LIB without a file name. If you do not give a
file name, LIB deletes the previous selection.
To run a program file with a user library, you must have write access to the
program file; the library file name is written into the program’s object-file
header at run time.
To run the program again with the same library, you can omit the LIB parameter.
To run the program again with no library (or with a different library), include
LIB (or LIB file-name). See the RUN command definition in the TACL
Programmers Guide for more information about LIB.
MACRO macro-name
is the name of a macro to invoke each time this defined process is invoked (that
is, by typing its name at a TACL prompt). DP passes the name of the defined
process in the variable :dpprocess, and the text of the command in the variable
:dpcommand to the macro. The macro is not invoked again if the same process is
invoked directly or indirectly from within the macro.
MEM num-pages
is the maximum number of virtual data pages to be allocated for the defined
process. Specify num-pages as an integer in the range 1 through 64. If you omit
this option, or if num-pages is less than the compile-time value, the process uses
the compilation value.
NAME [ $process-name ]
part of the process-pair directory (PPD) is an operating system name that you
can assign to the defined process. Specify process-name as an alphanumeric
string of one to five characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. (For
network access, the name must be no more than four characters.) If you omit
this option, the defined process is not named (to the operating system) and has
only a process ID (a CPU number and process number). If you include NAME
without $process-name, the operating system generates a name for the defined
process. The name of the process appears in the destination control table
disables history processing for commands that are interactive with the process.
If history processing is enabled, each command passed to the process in
interactive mode is saved in the TACL history buffer. In addition, previous
commands can be fixed with FC, invoked again with !, or viewed again using ?
at the interactive prompt. Note that FC processing is trapped by TACL, not by