EPTRACE Manual528811-002
download. The process of transferring software from one location to another, where the
transferring entity initiates the transfer.
EDIT file. In the Guardian file system, an unstructured file with file code 101. An EDIT file
can be processed by either the EDIT or PS Text Edit (TEDIT) editor. An EDIT file
typically contains source program or script code, documentation, or program output.
Open System Services (OSS) functions can open an EDIT file only for reading.
EPTRACE. A performance investigation tool for Open System Services (OSS) and
Guardian environments running H-series RVUs. It is designed to count, trace, locate,
and provide a log of millicode-corrected misalignments in TNS stumble events.
exact point. See memory manager and relative pathname.
executable. See object code file.
execution mode. The emulated or real instruction set environment in which object code
runs. A TNS system has only one execution mode: TNS mode using TNS compilers
and 16-bit TNS instructions. A TNS/R system has three execution modes: TNS/R
native mode using MIPS native compilers and MIPS instructions, emulated TNS
execution in TNS interpreted mode, and emulated TNS execution in TNS accelerated
mode. A TNS/E system also has three execution modes: TNS/E native mode using
TNS/E native compilers and Intel® Itanium® instructions, emulated TNS execution in
TNS interpreted mode, and emulated TNS execution in TNS accelerated mode.
extended data segment. See selectable segment.
fault domain. In a fault-tolerant system, a module that can fail without causing a system
fault tolerance. The ability of a computer system to continue processing despite the failure
of any single software or hardware component within the system.
field. In a structured programming language, an addressable entry within a data structure.
file. An object to which data can be written or from which data can be read. A file has
attributes such as access permissions and a file type. In the Open System Services
(OSS) environment, file types include regular file, character special file, block special
file, FIFO, and directory. In the Guardian environment, file types include disk files,
processes, and subdevices.
file description. See Open System Services (OSS).
file identifier. In the Guardian environment, the portion of a filename following the
subvolume name. In the Open System Services (OSS) environment, a file identifier is a
portion of the internal information used to identify a file in the OSS file system (an
inode number). The two identifiers are not comparable.