EPTRACE Manual528811-002
OCA region loading
OCA region loading. A task performed when necessary by the TNS emulation software for
TNS/E machines. This task involves mapping into memory the Intel® Itanium®
instructions and any tables needed at run time from the TNS Object Code Accelerator
(OCA) region (called the Itanium instruction region) of an OCA-generated object file.
OCA region of an object file. The region of a TNS Object Code Accelerator (OCA)-
generated object file, also called the Intel® Itanium® instruction region, that contains
Itanium instructions and tables necessary to execute the object file on a TNS/E system
in TNS accelerated mode. The TNS Object Code Accelerator (OCA) creates this
region. See also OCA-accelerated object code. Contrast with Accelerator region of an
object file.
OCA-accelerated object code. The Intel® Itanium® instructions that result from processing
a TNS object file with the TNS Object Code Accelerator (OCA).
OCA-accelerated object file. A TNS object file that has been augmented by the TNS
Object Code Accelerator (OCA) with equivalent but faster Intel® Itanium® instructions.
An OCA-accelerated object file contains the original TNS object code, the OCA-
accelerated object code and related address map tables, and any Binder and symbol
information from the original TNS object file. An OCA-accelerated object file also can
be augmented by the Accelerator with equivalent MIPS RISC instructions.
OCA-generated Itanium instructions. See Intel® Itanium® instructions.
OCI. See TNS Object Code Interpreter (OCI).
object code library. Synonym for library.
object code file. A file containing compiled machine instructions for one or more routines.
This file can be an executable loadfile for a program or library or a not-yet-executable
linkfile for some program module. On other systems, an object code file is also known
as a binary or as an executable.
Open System Services (OSS). An open system environment available for interactive or
programmatic use with the HP NonStop™ operating system. Processes that run in the
OSS environment usually use the OSS application program interface. Interactive users
of the OSS environment usually use the OSS shell for their command interpreter.
Synonymous with Open System Services (OSS) environment. Contrast with Guardian.
Open System Services (OSS) environment. The HP NonStop™ Open System Services
(OSS) application program interface (API), tools, and utilities.
operating system. See HP NonStop™ operating system.
operational environment. The conditions under which your system performs. These
conditions include the devices and communications lines that are made active and the
system and application processes that are started at system startup.
OS. See HP NonStop™ operating system.