H-Series Application Migration Guide (H06.03+)

H-Series Application Migration Guide429855-006
Reporting Compiler Optimization
C/C++ and pTAL program failures that occur at optimization level 2 but not at level 0 or
1 are usually caused by a programming error. Furthermore, the TNS/E compilers
perform significantly more optimizations that do the TNS/R compilers. Thus, programs
that contain such programming errors might run correctly when compiled at level 2 on
a TNS/R system but not on a TNS/E system. However, if you have determined that
failure is not caused by a programming error, you might suspect a defect in the
compiler, and you should report the problem to HP. If you do decide to report the
problem, you must include certain information in your problem report. This appendix
provides tips and guidelines for gathering the required information.
Types of Errors
Information required to analyze the problem depends on the type of error. Possible
error types are:
Compiler error. The compiler generated an assertion or some other error while
compiling a program.
Compiler abort. The compiler aborted with a segmentation fault or bus error while
compiling a program.
Runtime abort. The compiled program terminated with a segmentation fault or bus
error that occurred during execution.
Incorrect results. The compiled program produced incorrect results when executed.
Information Required for All Error Types
For all error types, you should include:
Compiler version
Options passed to the compiler
Symptoms of the error
Any error messages caused by the error
The source code (preprocessed in most cases) that produced the error