H-Series Application Migration Guide (H06.03+)

H-Series Application Migration Guide429855-006
HP NonStop™ Open System Services (OSS)
HP NonStop™ Open System Services (OSS). An open system environment available for
interactive or programmatic use with the HP NonStop™ operating system. Processes
that run in the OSS environment usually use the OSS application program interface.
Interactive users of the OSS environment usually use the OSS shell for their command
interpreter. Synonymous with Open System Services (OSS) environment. Contrast
with Guardian.
HP NonStop™ operating system. The operating system for HP NonStop systems.
HP Transaction Application Language (TAL). A systems programming language with
many features specific to stack-oriented TNS systems.
hybrid shared run-time library (hybrid SRL). A shared run-time library (SRL) that has
been augmented by the addition of a dynamic section that exports the SRL’s symbols
in a form that can be used by position independent code (PIC) clients. A hybrid SRL
looks like a dynamic-link library (DLL) to PIC clients (except it cannot be loaded at
other addresses and cannot itself link to DLLs). The code and data in the SRL are no
different in a hybrid SRL, and its semantics for non-PIC clients are unchanged.
Intel® Itanium® instructions. Register-oriented EPIC machine instructions in the Itanium®
instruction set that are native to and directly executed by a TNS/E system. Itanium®
instructions do not execute on TNS and TNS/R systems. Contrast with TNS
instructions and RISC instructions.
TNS Object Code Accelerator (OCA)-generated Itanium® instructions are produced by
accelerating TNS object code. Native-compiled Itanium® instructions are produced by
compiling source code with a TNS/E native compiler.
ld utility. A utility that collects, links, and modifies code and data blocks from one or more
position-independent code (PIC) object files to produce a target TNS/R native PIC
object file. See also eld utility, ld utility, and Binder.
linker. (1) The process or server that invokes the message system to deliver a message to
some other process or server. (2) A programming utility that combines one or more
compilation units’ linkfiles to create an executable loadfile for a native program or
library. See also ld utility, nld utility, and eld utility.
linkfile. (1) A file containing object code that is not yet ready to load and execute. Linkfiles
are combined by means of a linker to make an executable loadfile for a program or
library. (2) For native C/C++ compilers in the Guardian environment, a command file
for input to the eld, ld, or nld utility. Compiling creates one linkfile per independent
source module. Contrast with loadfile.
linking. The operation of examining, collecting, linking, and modifying code and data blocks
from one or more object files to produce a target object file.
loader. A programming utility that transfers a program into memory so it can run. The
mechanism that brings loadfiles into memory for execution, maps them into virtual
address space, and resolves symbol references among them. Synonyms include