H-Series Application Migration Guide (H06.03+)
Migration Overview
H-Series Application Migration Guide—429855-006
Converting TNS Programs to TNS/E Native Mode
the RISC and Itanium processors, TNS/R native programs must be recompiled before
they can be executed on an H-series system. TNS/R native object code cannot be
executed on an H-series system, and no interpreter or accelerator is provided to
emulate RISC instructions on the H-series system.
Migrating a TNS/R native application to TNS/E native mode requires, in most cases, no
source code changes. The few exceptions are noted in subsequent sections of this
guide. In addition to the few required changes, you might want to incorporate some of
the new H-series features into your applications, but none are required. Additionally,
some features considered obsolete in the TNS/R native programming languages are
not supported in the TNS/E native version of the language. The major changes in the
TNS/E environment are new command and utility names and some new or changed
parameters and options.
Because of increased clock rate and other execution capabilities of the Itanium
architecture, you can expect a significant performance improvement in your
applications after migrating them to TNS/E native mode.
Converting TNS Programs to TNS/E Native Mode
You can convert your G-series TNS applications directly to TNS/E native mode.
Converting applications to TNS/E native mode provides a significant performance
improvement over TNS interpreted or accelerated mode, even greater than converting
to TNS/R native mode.
Converting a TNS program to run in native mode is not covered in this guide. To do this
conversion, you can follow the guidelines given in the TNS/E Native Application
Conversion Guide to convert the TNS program directly to TNS/E native mode.
Alternatively, you can do the conversion in two steps:
1. Convert the TNS program to native mode on the TNS/R platform following the
guidelines given in the TNS/R Native Application Migration Guide.
2. Migrate the TNS/R native program to the TNS/E system following the guidelines
given in this guide. In the vast majority of cases, migrating a program from TNS/R
native mode to TNS/E native mode is a simple matter, requiring only a
recompilation using a TNS/E native compiler. In most cases, no source code
changes are required.
The latter approach (migration in two steps) is recommended because it is simpler and
less error-prone.
G-series OSS programs must be converted to TNS/E native mode because the
H-series OSS environment does not support TNS execution.
H-Series Development Environments Overview
The H-series RVUs provide compilers and development tools for both TNS and native
TNS/E compilation and execution. TNS/R native development tools are also provided,
but for compiling and linking only