H-Series Application Migration Guide (H06.03+)

The TNS/E Native Development Environment
H-Series Application Migration Guide429855-006
TNS/E Native Run-Time Libraries
projects to equivalent ETK projects. The tool plugs into TDS. It can be obtained from
IPM Scout at no charge.
The terminology used by TDS and ETK differs somewhat. TDS works with “projects,”
which contain multiple “targets.” ETK works with “solutions”, which contain multiple
“projects.” TDS projects are mapped to ETK solutions, and TDS targets are mapped to
ETK projects.
The migration procedure involves converting TDS targets to ETK projects, then adding
the projects to an ETK solution. The ETK solution could be a newly created solution or
an existing solution.
As part of the migration process, the tool ensures that all files pertaining to the TDS
target remain part of the ETK project. However, file properties for file types that are
unknown to ETK are not migrated. For every such file type, users must explicitly add
these file properties in ETK. The migration tool supports the following file extensions:
.cpp, .css, .tal, .cob, and .cbl.
TNS/E Native Run-Time Libraries
The major difference between run-time libraries on G-series systems and on H-series
systems is that all H-series libraries are implemented as DLLs rather than SRLs; SRLs
are not supported on H-series systems. The H-series libraries have different names,
which might necessitate changes to build procedures that specify the libraries. The
new libraries and the G-series libraries they replace are given in Table 2-3.
Note. The TDS-to-ETK migration tool runs as part of TDS; therefore, you must install the tool and
perform the migration on a G-series system with TDS installed. The migration tool does not require
ETK to perform the migration.
Note. In the TDS project system, a file type can be independent of the file extension. For example, a
file1.cpp file can have the file type set as .cob. In this case, although the file has a .cpp extension,
it behaves as a COBOL file and is recognized as such by the COBOL cross compiler. In the ETK project
system, file type information is based solely on the file extension; for example, ETK will always treat
file1.cpp as a C++ file. For the migration tool to preserve file semantics while migrating TDS
targets, there cannot be any file in the TDS target that has a mismatch between its extension and its type.
On encountering the first such file, the tool generates an error and the TDS target is not migrated.
Table 2-3. G-Series and H-Series Run-Time Libraries
G-Series SRL Name
Guardian PC
H-Series DLL Name
Guardian PC
COBOL run-time library ZCOBSRL libcob.srl ZCOBDLL libcob.so
Common Run-Time
Environment (CRE)
ZCRESRL libcre.srl ZCREDLL libcre.so
C run-time library ZCRTSRL libcrt.srl ZCRTDLL libcrt.so
C++ VERSION1 standard run-
time library