H-Series Application Migration Guide (H06.03+)

The TNS/E Native Development Environment
H-Series Application Migration Guide429855-006
Setting Up a Cross-Platform Development
Environment on the PC
In addition to these tools, all required TNS/R native run-time libraries and header files
are also available on the H-series. This enables you compile and link TNS/R native
programs on an H-series system, then deploy and execute them on the desired TNS/R
TNS/R compilation in H-series is supported only for G06.20 and later G-series RVUs.
The H-series TNS/R compilers and tools have all the features of the G06.20 and later
G-series products. The compilers and tools have the same functionality as the G06.27
versions. The following command flag and pragma are provided to specify the target
G-series RVU:
The existence of these tools and libraries on H-series systems enables you to use a
single platform, the TNS/E platform, to develop both TNS/R and TNS/E applications.
You can save time by moving some of your development work, such as time-
consuming compilations, to an H-series system while continuing to use your G-series
systems for testing or production runs.
Setting Up a Cross-Platform Development
Environment on the PC
ETK enables you to set up an environment in which you can develop applications
targeted for either the TNS/R native or TNS/E native environment. Here are some
guidelines for setting up such an environment.
ETK is a Windows-based application development environment that is integrated with
Microsoft Visual Studio.NET. ETK enables you to edit, compile, build, and deploy
NonStop applications written in a variety of programming languages.
ETK works with Microsoft Visual Studio.NET to manage solutions and projects.
Solutions are containers for projects, and projects are containers for source files and
other items that comprise an application. A solution can contain multiple projects, and
each project can contain multiple items required by the project. Solutions and projects
provide a way of logically organizing the components of your applications.
nld TNS/R native non-PIC linker
noft TNS/R native object file utility
Visual Inspect Use the H-series version to debug TNS/R snapshot files on a
TNS/E platform
OSS, PC c89 command -WRVU=G06.nn, nn >= 20
Guardian NMC and
NMCPLUS commands
RVU G06.nn, nn >= 20
Table 2-6. TNS/R Tools in H-Series
Tool Description