H06.15 Release Version Update Compendium

4 Database and Transaction Processing Products
The UCASE/UPPER and LCASE/LOWER functions are enhanced to handle Non-ASCII ISO88591
characters in the European alphabets.
Multiple Preprocessor Coexistence
Multiple versions of the SQL/MX preprocessor for both C/C++ and COBOL programs can now
exist on the same system. Previously, installing a new version of the preprocessor would uninstall
the previous version. If multiple preprocessor versions are installed, the user sets an environment
variable to point to the desired preprocessor:
MXSQLC for C/C++ programs
MXSQLCO for COBOL programs
iTP Webserver Enhancements
iTP Webserver provides the following enhancements for the H06.15 RVU:
Support for the Logical Network Partitioning (LNP) feature of TCP/IPV6.
A TCP_NODELAY feature to disable the Nagle algorithm. The Nagle algorithm is intended
to improve the efficiency of TCP/IP networks, but can cause performance degradation when
used with the TCP delayed acknowledgements feature.
Logging facility enhancements:
— Support for the Pathway LOG1 attribute
— The access log file is compatible with Combined Log Format
— Support for rollover of large log files
— Logging of actual response time; that is, starting at the time the request was received
rather than the time LISTEN was posted on the socket
ODBC/MX Supports Additional Parameters in Connection String
The following parameters can now be specified in an ODBC/MX connection string:
Previously, these parameters could be set only through the ODBC Adminstrator. If these
parameters are not specified in the connection string, the values set in the ODBC Administrator
are used.