Introduction to Pathmaker

Operating a Pathmaker Application
Pathmaker Applications
067867 Tandem Computers Incorporated 2–9
Figure 2-4 shows how a requester screen looks after an attempt is made to insert a row
with an employee number that is already in the database. The underlined areas
represent unprotected fields where data is entered or displayed. Text in italics
represents data entered by the end user.
Figure 2-4. Error Message From a Service
Department 905 Employee Information Page 1/2
F1-Previous Page F3-Help F5-Read Next F12-Delete
F2-Next Page F4-Read First F10-Insert F14-Update
Employee Name
Employee Number
City State Zip
Joe Blake
123 Main
Salt Lake City Utah 84111
Insert Unsuccessful - Employee Number already in use.
Screen Navigation Within a
Pathmaker Application
One important aspect of any application is how it allows the end user to navigate
among screens. The Pathmaker product produces applications that have a
hierarchical structure.
In an application with a hierarchical structure, the application's requesters are
arranged in a fixed hierarchy, sometimes referred to as a tree. Typically, this hierarchy
has a main menu requester at the top level with submenu requesters below leading to
detail requesters (used for data entry or data retrieval) at the lowest levels.
When using an application that has a hierarchical structure, the end user navigates
between requester screens and related business tasks by pressing a function key once
for each step up or down in the hierarchy.