Introduction to Pathmaker

Other Capabilities
Pathmaker Applications
2–22 067867 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Other Capabilities In addition to creating Pathway requesters and servers, the Pathmaker product has
other capabilities. This subsection briefly introduces these capabilities and, where
appropriate, provides references to manuals containing additional information.
Accessing Pathway
Applications From a
Pathmaker Application
It is possible for a Pathmaker application to access a Pathway application built outside
the Pathmaker product.
To allow this access, an application developer must register every outside requester
that is directly called by the Pathmaker application and must place the pseudocode for
all of the outside requesters in the SCREEN COBOL library associated with the
Pathmaker application.
Servers that are not created with the Pathmaker product can also be registered.
Although registering servers is not necessary to access them from a Pathmaker
application, doing so is beneficial in several ways. Because the Pathmaker catalog
contains information about registered servers and the physical files that they access,
the Pathmaker product can generate the statements necessary for running them in the
Pathway command files. In addition, because the Pathmaker catalog contains the
location of the object code for the registered servers, the Pathmaker product is able to
move these files whenever the other components of the associated Pathmaker
application are moved.
Pathway Open
Environment Toolkit
The Pathway Open Environment Toolkit (POET) is a Tandem product that assists in
the creation and running of client/transaction server applications for Tandem systems.
Application developers use POET to generate workstation clients that interact with
Pathway servers. The Pathmaker product, version C31 and later, has been enhanced
to provide support for the creation and running of client/transaction server
applications. POET is not required to use the Pathmaker product. If you want more
information about using POET and the Pathmaker product to develop
client/transaction server applications, refer to the Pathway Open Environment Toolkit
(POET) Programming Manual.