Introduction to SNA Capabilities of Tandem NonStop Systems

Introduction to SNA Capabilities of Tandem NonStop Systems134597
Putting It All Together
This section illustrates some of the solutions that are possible with Tandem SNA
products for NonStop systems.
Automated Teller Machine Network Using
Figure 5-1 shows a bank's distributed automated teller machine (ATM) application:
Three of the NonStop systems in an Expand network run an ATM application
(Expand is the Tandem networking software used to connect NonStop systems).
Each NonStop system is at a separate geographic location and runs a separate copy
of the application. Each copy of the ATM application serves and controls a set of
SNA ATM terminals. The ATM terminals are connected to the NonStop systems
through SNA cluster controllers. The fourth NonStop system serves as a gateway
system between the Expand network and an SNA network.
Two IBM systems (labeled A and B) in the SNA network are linked to the Tandem
gateway system by SDLC lines. The two IBM systems are in separate geographic
locations, and each system runs an SNA host application that is related to the
Tandem ATM application. IBM system A runs a mortgage payment application that
can be called by the Tandem ATM application. IBM system B runs an ATM
activity-analysis application that can accept data from the Tandem ATM application.
The ATM application uses SNAX/HLS as the API to SNAX/XF.