ld Manual

ld Diagnostic Messages
ld Manual529650.001
Informational Messages
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40050]:
name The library specified as 'name' in a name was resolved
to the name named 'name' name.
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40051]:
Creating initial Registry file 'name'.
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40052]:
'-export_all' specified.
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40054]:
Specified library 'name' not found but will be added to the
liblist since -allow_missing_libs was specified.
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40055]:
Specified libname, name, will be recorded in the output file.
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40056]:
Entering OBEY file 'name'.
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40057]:
Exiting OBEY file 'name'.
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40058]:
PASS1.C: Merging archive name (name):
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40059]:
PASS1.C: Merging object name:
**** INFORMATIONAL MESSAGE **** [40060]:
name: input file is a library and will be treated as such.