ld Manual

Introduction to ld
ld Manual529650.001
Running Windows ld on the PC
How the ETK Command-Line and GUI Interfaces Differ
For both interfaces, a Windows format file name path that includes a backslash (\) or a
space must be enclosed by question marks, as in Example 1-8.
Command-Line Interface GUI
You need only install one of the
Compilers That Can Launch
Windows ld
You must install all of these:
One of the Compilers That
Can Launch Windows ld
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
The ETK package
Using the Command-Line Cross
Compilers on Windows on the
compiler’s CD
Online help
Example 1-8. Specifying Backslashes in Windows File Paths
ld test1.o test2.o "c:\Program Files\Compaq
ETK-NSE\g06.15\lib\ccppmain.o" -set systype oss -set highpin on
-set highrequester on -set inspect on -set runnamed on -verbose
-L "c:\Program Files\Compaq ETK-NSE\g06.15\lib" -obey "Program
Files\Compaq ETK-NSE\g06.15\lib\libc.obey" -o mystest.exe