ld Manual

ld Options
ld Manual529650.001
-bsemi_globalized or -bsymbolic
-bsemi_globalized or -bsymbolic
Directs ld to use this sequence as its linker searchList when resolving the file names
specified for -l or -lib:
1. The linker searchList itself
2. Libraries on the libList
3. Breadth-first transitive closure of libraries on the libList
4. Implicit libraries
A file name that is either a relative OSS path name or a Guardian file name that is not
qualified is found using search path lists (see Searching for Archives and Libraries on
page 1-19).
You cannot use -bsemi_globalized or -bsymbolic with:
The default is the -blocalized action.
Directs ld to search only for archive files when resolving -l or -lib.
If a file name is qualified, ld searches for an archive with that name.
If a file name is unqualified, in each search path, ld first searches for an archive with
the file name as specified in -l or -lib. If ld cannot find an archive, the file name is
unqualified, and the search path is not in the Guardian file system (/G), then ld
prefixes lib and suffixes .a to the file name and searches again. For more
information on search paths, see Searching for Archives and Libraries on page 1-19.
When an archive cannot be found, ld issues an error message unless you specify
The flags -bstatic, -bdllsonly, and -bdynamic are search control toggles. Multiple
flags can be specified in a single ld invocation. The behavior specified remains in
effect until another flag in the set is specified. Therefore, you can search for both
libraries and archive files for some -l and -lib flags and search for just archive files
for others. The default library search control is -bdynamic.
-bsemi_globalized | -bsymbolic