OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Action: Either choose a different clearinghouse name or delete the existing object with
the same name.
0x10d0aa46 cds_s_server_crecleskulk
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_server
Text: Create clearinghouse failed. Skulk failed on root directory: status = %ld.
Explanation: Error occured due while trying to skulk the root directory.
Action: Determine the cause of skulk failure, fix it, and attempt to create the
clearinghouse again.
0x10d0aa5d cds_s_server_crucialevent
Severity: Notice Component: cds / cds_svc_server
Text: Cannot remove the root directory from clearinghouse %s.
Explanation: An attempt was made to remove the root directory from a clearinghouse.
The directory will be turned back on.
Action: None required.
0x10d0aa4d cds_s_server_cvtsimple
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_server
Text: Unable to convert the clearinghouse name to internal format: status = %ld.
Explanation: A call to a cds function failed during the automatic server initialization
sequence which was creating a new clearinghouse.
Action: Check that the hostname of this server conforms to CDS naming conventions.
Attempt to restart the server. Report this problem to your DCE supplier if it persists.
0x10d0aa2e cds_s_server_dacl_eb
Severity: Fatal Component: cds / cds_svc_server
Text: Failed to initialise server management DACL
Explanation: Due to a problem occuring during the initialization of the server
management DACL and its mutex, the server will exit.
Action: Report this problem to your DCE supplier.
0x10d0aa3f cds_s_server_dbindex
Severity: Error Component: cds / cds_svc_server
Text: Database index maintenance routines have detected a corruption.
Explanation: The database has detected an improperly linked index entry. The database
will attempt to repair it automatically.
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