OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Action: Check the binding infomation and make sure it’s completed and correct.
0x113db328 dced_s_attr_bad_trig_types
Severity: Error Component: dhd / dhd_s_xattrschema
Text: Invalid trigger type specified
Explanation: The trigger type in a scheme_entry to be created is invalid.
Action: Check the available trigger types and use a correct one.
0x113db329 dced_s_attr_bad_uniq_query_accept
Severity: Error Component: dhd / dhd_s_xattrschema
Text: Invalid combination of unique_flag=true, query trigger, and intercell_action=accept
Explanation: The combination of unique_flag=true, query trigger, and
intercell_action=accept is not allowed.
Action: Don’t use this combination.
0x113db324 dced_s_attr_invalid_manager_type
Severity: Error Component: dhd / dhd_s_xattrschema
Text: Invalid acl manager type specified
Explanation: The acl manager type in acl_mgr_set of scheme_entry is invalid.
Action: Find out the right acl manager type for dced by daclif i/f. Note that only srvrconf
object in dced allows new schema entry to be created.
0x113db32b dced_s_attr_not_supported_for_update
Severity: Error Component: dhd / dhd_s_xattrschema
Text: The required modification field is not supported
Explanation: You have required to modify schem entry fields which are not supported for
Action: Find all schema entry fields which are unspported fields for update.
0x113db064 dced_s_bad_binding
Severity: Error Component: dhd / dhd_s_general
Text: Bad binding handle
Explanation: An incorrect dced binding handle was supplied.
Action: Make sure the binding handle matches the dced service requested.
0x113db190 dced_s_bad_key_data
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