OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Action: Reenter the command. It may be possible to remove the entire attribute.
0x1131f0ed dcp_s_cds_cache_show
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: No clearinghouse or a server.
Explanation: The show operation requires the -server or -clearinghouse option.
Action: Reenter the command with either the -server or -clearinghouse option.
0x1131f0b1 dcp_s_cds_dir_created
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: The directory ’%s’ was created.
Explanation: The directory was created despite a failure to add an attribute.
Action: None required.
0x1131f0b2 dcp_s_cds_dir_not_created
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: The directory ’%s’ was not created.
Explanation: The directory was not created because of a failure to add an attribute.
Action: None required.
0x1131f0fa dcp_s_cds_ill_attr_val
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Attribute value is illegal
Explanation: An attribute value was provided that is illegal for the given attribute.
Action: Reenter the command with a legal value.
0x1131f0f7 dcp_s_cds_illegal_byte_attr
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Illegal attribute value for cdsbyte style attribute.
Explanation: The cdsbyte type attribute must contain only hexidecimal value characters.
Action: Reenter the command with an appropriate value for the attribute.
0x1131f0b3 dcp_s_cds_no_attr_list_value
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: No values exist in the attribute list.
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