OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Clearinghouse name not provided.
Explanation: The operation requires the -clearinghouse option.
Action: Retype the command with the -clearinghouse option.
0x1131f0b8 dcp_s_cds_no_dir_mod_operation
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Option not specified.
Explanation: The directory modify command requires one or more options.
Action: Retype the command with one or more of the following options: -add, -remove,
or -change..
0x1131f0b0 dcp_s_cds_no_dir_name
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: No directory name.
Explanation: The directory object was missing a directory name.
Action: The directory object takes a list of directory names as an argument. The names
must be directory names. Reenter the command with a valid directory name.
0x1131f0bb dcp_s_cds_no_link_mod_operation
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Option not specified.
Explanation: The link modify command requires one or more options.
Action: Retype the command with one or more of the following options: -add, -remove,
or -change..
0x1131f0b5 dcp_s_cds_no_link_name
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: No link name.
Explanation: The link object was missing a link name.
Action: The link object takes a list of link names as an argument. The names must be link
names. Reenter the command with a valid link name.
0x1131f0b7 dcp_s_cds_no_linkto_value
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: The directory to link to not specified.
124330 Tandem Computers Incorporated 2135