OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x1131f0d0 dcp_s_cds_tree_replica_option
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: The ’-tree’ option cannot be combined with other options.
Explanation: The -replica and -clearinghouse options may not be specified with delete
Action: Retype the command with a consistent set of options.
0x1131f0ba dcp_s_cds_value_no_remove
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: The ’-value’ option can only be used with the ’-remove’ option.
Explanation: The -value option can only be used to remove a single value of a multi-
valued attribute of an object.
Action: Retype the command with the -remove option and the -value option to remove a
single value of a multi-valued attribute.
0x1131f2de dcp_s_clock_get_local_time_fail
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Could not get current time.
Explanation: The call to get the local system time failed.
Action: There is an internal DCE problem. This call should never fail.
0x1131f2dc dcp_s_clock_set_epoch_no_abrupt
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: When just setting the epoch, the ’-abruptly’ option is not allowed.
Explanation: The command does not allow the -abruptly option when just setting the
epoch with -epoch.
Action: Retype the command without the -abruptly option.
0x1131f2d8 dcp_s_clock_set_invalid_epoch
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Invalid epoch. The value must be in the range of [0..255].
Explanation: An invalid value was given to the -epoch option.
Action: Retype the command with a valid epoch in the range of [0..255].
0x1131f2da dcp_s_clock_set_need_abruptly
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
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