OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Action: Please refer to documentation and reenter command with correct key data
0x1131f392 dcp_s_dhd_data_attr_missing
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Data attribute is not specified on operation which requires data.
Explanation: User supplies no data attribute on an operation which requires data
attribute to be specified
Action: reenter command with data attribute
0x1131f391 dcp_s_dhd_data_on_entry_ops
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Data attribute specified on entry only operation.
Explanation: User requests to change data attributes when invokes entry only operation
Action: reenter command without data attribute
0x1131f38b dcp_s_dhd_invalid_args
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Invalid or mismatched inputs or arguments ’%s’.
Explanation: The function recievied wrong inputs or arguments.
Action: Check the inputs or arguments
0x1131f394 dcp_s_dhd_miss_objname
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: A ’dced’ name misses object name
Explanation: The dced name doesn’t have object name as its last part.
Action: warning informational
0x1131f390 dcp_s_dhd_mod_invalid_attr
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Unchangeable attributes entered
Explanation: User requests to change entry attributes which are not changeable
Action: reenter command with data attribute request only
0x1131f38c dcp_s_dhd_no_object
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
124330 Tandem Computers Incorporated 2139