OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x1131f2cd dcp_s_dts_time_conversion_fail
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Invalid DTS style timestamp.
Explanation: Conversion of the entered timestamp failed.
Action: Retype the command with a valid timestamp. DTS only uses V1.0 timestamps.
0x1131f011 dcp_s_expected_float_arg
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Expected a floating point argument for ’%s’ but received ’%s’.
Explanation: The argument was not a valid floating point number.
Action: Retype the command with a floating point number as an argument.
0x1131f00d dcp_s_expected_int_arg
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Expected integer argument for ’%s’ but received ’%s’.
Explanation: A non-integer was given to an option that expects one.
Action: Retype the command with a valid argument.
0x1131f242 dcp_s_gid_not_allowed
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: Unrecognized attribute ’gid’
Explanation: The user supplied bad attribute name. The group object takes only the gid
as a valid group identification specifier.
Action: Reenter the command and use the correct user identification specifier.
0x1131f02b dcp_s_help_no_verbose
Severity: Warning Component: dcp / dcp_svc_misc
Text: Verbose help is only available for objects, not verbs.
Explanation: The user entered a request for help of the form is supported.
Action: Retype the command with only an object name.
0x1131f02a dcp_s_illegal_command
Severity: Varies Component: dcp
Text: This command is not allowed from the command line.
Explanation: Due to security considerations, the attempted command is not allowed from
the command line.
124330 Tandem Computers Incorporated 2141