OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Text: Cannot reopen audit trail file
Explanation: Internally, the audit trail file was being reopened and the reopen failed.
Action: Report the problem to OSF.
0x10323052 aud_s_cannot_reopen_trail_index_file
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_trl
Text: Cannot reopen %s
Explanation: Internally, the audit trail index file was being reopened and the reopen
Action: Report the problem to OSF.
0x10323051 aud_s_cannot_reopen_trail_index_file_rc
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_trl
Text: Cannot reopen audit trail index file
Explanation: Internally, the audit trail index file was being reopened and the reopen
Action: Report the problem to OSF.
0x1032305c aud_s_cant_open_client_binding_file
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Cannot open client binding file %s
Explanation: The Audit daemon cannot open the indicated client binding file.
Action: Check the permissions of the file and make sure the Audit daemon has read
permission to the file.
0x1032305b aud_s_cant_open_client_binding_file_rc
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Cannot open client binding file
Explanation: The Audit daemon cannot open the client binding file.
Action: Check the permissions of the file and make sure the Audit daemon has read
permission to the file.
0x1032307a aud_s_client_esl_mutex
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_trl
Text: Audit client’s esl mutext initialization failed
Explanation: An attempt to initialize the event selection list mutex failed due to lack or
resources or shortage of memory.
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