OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
that a desired context argument is acceptable for an operation, see that man page for that
---------- DS_E_BAD_NAME
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: An invalid name argument was supplied.
Explanation: This is an instance of an OM class DS_C_LIBRARY_ERROR. An
invalid name argument was supplied.
Action: Ensure that the value for the name argument is a valid instance of the OM class
---------- DS_E_BAD_SESSION
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: An invalid session argument was supplied.
Explanation: This is an instance of an OM class DS_C_LIBRARY_ERROR. An
invalid session argument was supplied.
Action: Ensure that the value of the session argument is an instance of the OM class
DS_C_SESSION. The object must be private except for the ds_bind() function which
allows either a private or public object. The function ds_bind() also allows the
DS_DEFAULT_SESSION constant for the session partameter. Ensure that the
appropriate session attributes are present, especially if requesting an authenticated bind.
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: An invalid workspace argument was supplied.
Explanation: This is an instance of an OM class DS_C_LIBRARY_ERROR. A
workspace was specified in the ds_bind() or ds_version() function that does not exist.
Action: To obtain a valid workspace, use ds_initialize(). Successful initialization returns
OM_workspace containing a handle to a workspace in which OM objects can be created
and manipulated. This value can then be used as the workspace argument for the
ds_bind() or ds_version() function.
---------- DS_E_BUSY
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: The Directory Service is temporarily too busy to perform the oepration.
Explanation: This is an instance of an OM class DS_C_SERVICE_ERROR. Some part
of the Directory Service is temporarily too busy to perform the operation, but will be
available after a short while.
This error is also returned if ds_unbind() is called while there are outstanding operations
for that session, or if ds_shutdown() is called while there are open sessions.
Action: Wait a few minutes and retry the operation. Ensure that all outstanding
operations on a given session have completed before calling ds_ubind(). Ensure that all
sessions are unbound before calling ds_shutdown().
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