OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Action: None required.
0x115ca0a3 dts_s_id_parse_name
Severity: Error Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Failed to retrieve Cell UUID: %s
Explanation: The attempt to retrieve the Cell UUID given the cell name failed
Action: This is a Security error: check security error codes for more information
0x115ca07e dts_s_init_mgmt_acl
Severity: Error Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Couldn’t initialize the dts daemon management ACL: %s
Explanation: An attempt to initialize the dts daemon management ACL failed
Action: This is a DCE utilities error. Check utilities error codes
0x115ca0a6 dts_s_inq_attr
Severity: Warning Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Failure in retrieving DTS attributes from dced: %s
Explanation: A dce_server_inq_attr() call for dtsd configuration attributes failed for the
stated reason
Action: Fix and restart the dtsd
0x115ca089 dts_s_inq_bindings
Severity: Error Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Failed to retrieve server bindings from RPC runtime: %s
Explanation: The RPC call rpc_server_inq_bindings failed
Action: This is an RPC error. Check RPC status code for more info
0x115ca064 dts_s_inq_server_princ
Severity: Error Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Couldn’t get remote server’s principal name: %s
Explanation: The call to retrieve the server’s entry name failed
Action: Check the name service and enpoint maps
0x115ca03f dts_s_interface_id
Severity: Error Component: dts / dts_s_dtsdate
Text: Couldn’t extract interface ID from time service interface: %s
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