OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
0x115ca082 dts_s_tp_ep_begin
Severity: Warning Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Couldn’t initiate search for Time Provider Interface in endpoint map: %s
Explanation: The dtsd couldn’t begin the search for the Time Provider interface in the
endpoint map
Action: This is an RPC error. Check RPC status code for more info
0x115ca083 dts_s_tp_ep_next
Severity: Warning Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Couldn’t continue search for Time Provider Interface in endpoint map: %s
Explanation: The search for the Time Provider interface in the endpoint map failed
Action: This is an RPC error. Check RPC status code for more info
0x115ca084 dts_s_tp_name_search
Severity: Warning Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Couldn’t return the server principal name for the Time Provider Interface: %s
Explanation: An error occured when trying to retrieve the server principal name for the
Time Provider
Action: This is an RPC error. Check RPC status code for more info
0x115ca09c dts_s_tserver_profile_remove
Severity: Error Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Failed to remove Service interface from the profile %s: %s
Explanation: The RPC call to remove the Service name from the specified profile failed
Action: Delete entry from endpoint map; otherwise, nothing
0x115ca091 dts_s_tservicev1_ep_register
Severity: Error Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Failed to register Time Control V1 interface with endpoint map: %s
Explanation: The RPC call to register the Time Service V1 interface with the endpoint
map failed
Action: This is an RPC error. Check RPC status code for more info
0x115ca093 dts_s_tservicev1_profile_add
Severity: Error Component: dts / dts_s_error
Text: Failed to add Time Service entry to LAN profile %s: %s
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