OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x1260adbc gc_t_om_wrong_value_position
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Invalid value position.
Explanation: At the C interface, the usage of value position identified in the argument of
a function was invalid.
Action: This is an internal XOM error. Contact your system administrator.
0x1260adbd gc_t_om_wrong_value_syntax
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Attribute-value syntax not permitted.
Explanation: At the C interface, a wrong attribute-value was supplied.
Action: This is an internal XOM error. Contact your system administrator.
0x1260adbe gc_t_om_wrong_value_type
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Undefined attribute type for the object.
Explanation: At the C interface, an object had an undefined attribute type.
Action: This is an internal XOM error. Contact your system administrator.
0x1260ad7a gc_t_omx_attr_format_error
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Format error in the Attribute Definition Block.
Explanation: A format error was encountered in the Attribute Definition Block while
reading the XOM object information schema file.
Action: Correct the error and try again.
0x1260ad6e gc_t_omx_cannot_read_schema
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Unable to read the XOM object information schema file "%s".
Explanation: The XOM convenience library was unable to read the object information
schema file.
Action: Check with your system administrator to determine if the schema file has been
installed. If it has not been, the system administrator should install it.
0x1260ad83 gc_t_omx_class_block_undefined
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
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