OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Text: Missing attribute information - %s.
Explanation: The attribute type and value was missing in the user-provided string.
Action: Reenter the string, using the following format: attribute-type = attribute-value..
0x1260ad94 gc_t_omx_missing_attr_value
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing attribute value - %s.
Explanation: The attribute value was missing in the user-provided string.
Action: Reenter the string, providing an attribute value.
0x1260ad8d gc_t_omx_missing_ava
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing Attribute Value Assertion - %s.
Explanation: The Attribute Value Assertion (AVA) was not specified in the user-
provided Distinguished Name string.
Action: Specify the AVA and try again.
0x1260ad97 gc_t_omx_missing_class_end_op
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing end of class block operator - %s.
Explanation: The end of class block operator used to indicate the end of a structured
class was missing in the user-provided string.
Action: Insert the operator (}) and try again.
0x1260ad96 gc_t_omx_missing_class_start_op
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing start of class block operator - %s.
Explanation: The start of class block operator used to indicate the start of a structured
class was missing in the user provided string.
Action: Insert the operator ({) and try again.
0x1260ad98 gc_t_omx_missing_class_value
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing class value - %s.
Explanation: An empty class block was encountered in the user-provided string.
Action: Specify the class value and try again.
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