OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x1260ad9f gc_t_omx_missing_compound_op
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing compound operator - %s.
Explanation: A compound operator was not specified in the user-provided string where it
was expected.
Action: Specify the required compound operator (&& or ||) and try again.
0x1260ad99 gc_t_omx_missing_comp_value
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing component value - %s.
Explanation: The component value of the class was not provided in the user-provided
Action: Specify the component value and try again.
0x1260ad93 gc_t_omx_missing_equal_operator
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing equal operator - %s.
Explanation: The equality operator, separating the attribute type and value, was missing
in the user-provided string.
Action: Insert the equality operator and try again.
0x1260ad9e gc_t_omx_missing_operator
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing operator - %s.
Explanation: The operator separating the attribute-type and the attribute-value was not
specified in the user-provided string.
Action: Insert the operator ("˜=", "=", ">" or "\<") and try again.
0x1260ad91 gc_t_omx_missing_rdn_delimiter
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
Text: Missing Relative Distinguished Name delimiter - %s.
Explanation: The Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) delimiter was missing in the
user-provided Distinguished Name string.
Action: Insert the RDN delimiter (/) and try again.
0x1260ad81 gc_t_omx_no_class_name
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CP
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