OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Action: None required.
0x10323056 aud_s_open_esl_file
Severity: Warning Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Cannot open esl file %s
Explanation: The Audit daemon cannot open the esl file.
Action: Check if the esl file should be there. If so, check permissions.
0x10323057 aud_s_open_esl_update_file
Severity: Warning Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Cannot open esl update file %s
Explanation: The Audit daemon cannot open the esl file.
Action: Check if the esl file should be there. If so, check permissions.
0x1032307e aud_s_outcomes_inconsistent
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_evt
Text: Outcome %lx supplied in dce_aud_commit is not consistent with %lx supplied in
Explanation: Outcome supplied in dce_aud_commit has to be consistent with the one in
Action: Check consistency of outcomes supplied in dce_aud_start() and
0x10323035 aud_s_permission_denied
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_general
Text: Client has no permission to execute operation
Explanation: The client is not authorized to execute the operation invoked.
Action: Check if the client should be authorized. Modify the ACL of the Audit daemon,
if necessary.
0x1032305e aud_s_remove_dir_client_update_binding_failed
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Unable to remove client update binding directory %s, rc= %d, errno= %d
Explanation: Audit client cannot remove its binding directory.
Action: Remove the specified directory.
0x1032305d aud_s_remove_file_client_update_binding_failed
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