OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Text: Invalid switch detected\n \tUSAGE: ndscomp\n \t[-h<workspace size>]\n \t[-n<# of
net-address description entries>]\n \t[-o<NDS-configuration data base file]\n \t[-V<1|2>]
= verbose mode (1), extended verbose mode (2)\n \t[-P, -w] = serviceability switches\n
\t<NDS-configuration source file>
Explanation: The program ndscomp was called with an incorrect syntax.
Action: No action !
Severity: Fatal Component: gds / GDS_S_CMX
Text: Parser: Unsufficient work space memory %s
Explanation: The program has detected an unsufficient work space.
Action: The work space may be increased be means of the -h switch.
0x1260a7dd GDS_S_NDS_VERS_ERR
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CMX
Text: Invalid version of NDS-configuration data base (version = %d , should be %d)
Explanation: The program has detected an invalid version number in the NDS-
configuration data base.
Action: Evaluate version number. Report the problem to the responsible software
Severity: Fatal Component: gds / GDS_S_CMX
Text: A write operation to NDS-configuration data base file ’%s’ failed (errno = %d)
Explanation: The program was not able to write to the NDS-configuration data base file.
Action: Evaluate the iserrno error variable for the reason.
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_CMX
Text: NOTICE: Work space decreased to %d byte(s) (default value = %d)
Explanation: The program has decreased the workspace to a value smaller than the
default value.
Action: No action !
Severity: Fatal Component: gds / GDS_S_CMX
Text: Parser: Can’t allocate work space memory (%d bytes) %s
2 320 Tandem Computers Incorporated 124330