OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_IPC
Text: serviceability function call failed (status = %#x)
Explanation: A call to a serviceability function failed.
Action: Evaluate the status information. Report the problem to the responsible software
0x1260a455 GDS_S_RPC_SVCINFO
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_IPC
Text: Invalid size of serviceability information (size = %d,\n %d < size < %d)
Explanation: The RPC-server has detected an invalid size of serviceability routing
Action: Provide a correct serviceability routing information
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_IPC
Text: The RPC-server could not be established because of a threads failure (errno = %d)
Explanation: Threads problem during activation of the RPC-server for serviceability
Action: Evaluate errno and line number information. Report the problem to the
responsible software engineer.
Severity: Warning Component: gds / GDS_S_IPC
Text: The RPC-server has received an unsupported remote procedure call
Explanation: The RPC-server for serviceability has detected an unsupported RPC.
Action: No action!
Severity: Fatal Component: gds / GDS_S_GENERAL
Text: An inconsistent schema object was detected.\n
Explanation: A record number was detected in one of the attribute files of the schema
object, that does not correspond to the record number of the schema object record.
Action: This problem should not occur. To determine the reason report the problem to
the responsible software engineer. Restore the database to regain a consistent state.
Severity: Fatal Component: gds / GDS_S_GENERAL
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