OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
There is a system configuration problem.
Action: Check your GSSAPI routine, application code, or system configuration.
0x12862025 gssdce_s_param_required
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: A required parameter was missing.
Explanation: An attempt to access a required parameter failed.
Action: Supply valid parameters in all required positions.
0x1286203c gssdce_s_reflected_packet
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The token was not created by the remote peer.
Explanation: The token was not created by the remote peer. It was created locally.
Either this was caused by a network error or it indicates the presence of an attacker.
Action: Application specific.
0x12862043 gssdce_s_seal_algorithm_not_allowed
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The token is invalid. It specifies an encryption algorithm but claims not to provide
privacy protection.
Explanation: The token is invalid. This could be caused by any of the following:
Network error
The presence of an attacker
An internal GSSAPI error
Action: Retry the operation. If the error occurs, submit a problem report.
0x12862045 gssdce_s_short_token
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The token is invalid - It is too short
Explanation: The token is invalid. It is too short.
Action: Application specific.
0x12862046 gssdce_s_unexpected_token_type
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The token is not the right type for the attempted use.
Explanation: You are using the wrong decoding operation for this type of token.
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