OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Action: Try one of the following:
If the token was created using the gss_sign routine, use the gss_verify routine to read
If the token was created using the gss_seal routine, use the gss_unseal routine to read
0x1286201a gssdce_s_unimplemented_feature
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The requested feature is not implemented.
Explanation: The requested feature has not been implemented.
Action: None required.
0x1286201e gssdce_s_unknown_principal_name
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The supplied principal name has not been registered.
Explanation: The principal name was not found in the registry.
Action: Register the principal name or supply another, registered name.
0x12862042 gssdce_s_unrecognized_token_type
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The token is invalid. It is of an unrecognized type.
Explanation: The token is invalid. This could be caused by any of the following:
Network error
The presence of an attacker
An internal GSSAPI error
Action: Retry the operation. If the error recurs, submit a problem report.
0x12862044 gssdce_s_unsupported_encryption_algorithm
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The token is invalid. It specifies an unsupported encryption algorithm.
Explanation: The token is invalid.
Action: Application specific.
0x12862026 gssdce_s_unsupported_mechanism
Severity: Varies Component: gss
Text: The specified security mechanism is not supported.
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