OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
0x1032303d aud_s_unknown_group_rc
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Group is not registered or has been removed
Explanation: An unknown group name was used in a filter.
Action: Provide a known group name.
0x1032303a aud_s_unknown_principal
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Principal %s is not registered or has been removed
Explanation: An unknown principal name was used in a filter.
Action: Provide a known principal name.
0x10323039 aud_s_unknown_principal_rc
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Principal is not registered or has been removed
Explanation: An invalid principal name was used in a filter.
Action: Provide a known principal name.
0x10323063 aud_s_uuid_hash_failed
Severity: Unknown Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: Cannot get the hash value of the subject uuid
Explanation: The uuid_hash call failed.
Action: See the corresponding RPC error code.
0x10323065 aud_s_wrong_esl_file_version
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: The format of esl file %s is not current version
Explanation: The internal file which holds the filter was corrupted.
Action: Remove the old version of the esl file, and retry the operation.
0x10323066 aud_s_wrong_esl_updt_file_version
Severity: Error Component: aud / aud_s_esl
Text: The format of esl update file %s is not current version
Explanation: An attempt was made to read an esl update file which was not current.
Action: Remove the old version of the esl update file, and retry the operation.
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