OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Warning: Syntax error in endpoint specification "%1$s"
Explanation: The syntax of the string describing the endpoint must be of the form
<v>(protocol:[endpoint]). Although not in the expected format, the string <v>(endpoint)
is assumed to be the desired endpoint specification and is put into the generated stubs.
Action: Correct the syntax of the <kw>(endpoint) specification.
0x13283054 NIDL_EOF
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Unexpected end-of-file
Explanation: The end of the source file was encountered before the end of the interface
definition. The source file may be incomplete.
Action: Complete the interface definition.
0x13283055 NIDL_EOFNEAR
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Unexpected end-of-file near ’%2$.*1$s’
Explanation: The end of the source file was encountered before the end of the interface
definition. The source file may be incomplete.
Action: Complete the interface definition.
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Syntax error in attribute list
Explanation: The syntax of the attribute list is not correct. It must contain a list of
attributes separated by commas.
Action: Make sure the attribute list contains only valid attribute names and values, that
their spellings are correct, and that they form a valid list.
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Data type %1$s must be defined in %2$s
Explanation: You used a feature that requires a predefined data type that is normally
present by default, but the data type was not found. An examples is a
<kw>([comm_status]) or <kw>([fault_status]) parameter, which requires the data type
Action: The compiler expected to find the type in the indicated le (usually
<kw>(nbase.idl), which is automatically imported by IDL). Check that you are using the
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