OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Output parameters must be passed by reference
Explanation: Parameters with the <kw>([out]) or <kw>([in,out]) attributes must be
passed by reference, so the changed value of the parameter can be reflected back to the
Action: Add a <kw>(*) to the parameter declaration to indicate pass-by-reference calling
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: An [out,ptr] parameter is not valid
Explanation: The <kw>([ptr]) parameter attribute implies that the value of the pointer
may be <kw>(NULL). It is invalid on an <kw>([out]) only parameter, since the possible
NULL-ness is not shipped to the server (for example, in the <kw>([in]) direction).
Action: If the pointer cannot be <kw>(NULL) remove the <kw>([ptr]) attribute.
Otherwise, make the parameter an <kw>([in,out,ptr]) parameter.
0x132830bd NIDL_OUTSTAR
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: Output parameters require an explicit top-level *
Explanation: Parameters with the <kw>([out]) or <kw>([in,out]) attributes must be
passed by reference, so the changed value of the parameter can be reflected back to the
caller. IDL does not allow a <kw>(*) in a type definition to serve as a passing
mechanism <kw>(*).
Action: Change the declaration of the parameter so it contains an explicit <kw>(*).
Severity: Varies Component: idl
Text: An [out,unique] parameter is not valid
Explanation: The <kw>([unique]) parameter attribute implies that the value of the
pointer may be <kw>(NULL). The <kw>(NULL) value is invalid on an <kw>([out]) only
parameter, since the <kw>(NULL) value was not sent to the server as an <kw>([in])
Action: If the pointer cannot be <kw>(NULL), remove the <kw>([unique]) attribute.
Otherwise, make the parameter an <kw>([in,out,unique]) parameter.
Severity: Varies Component: idl
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