OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide
Text: _______
Explanation: The service attempted to employ the network upon which its
implementation demends, but was unable to do so.
Action: Wait until the network is available and retry the operation.
---------- OM_NO_SUCH_CLASS
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: _______
Explanation: A purported class identifier was not defined.
Action: This error is returned for the following functions:
Ensure that the class identifier is correctly defined in the header files.
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: _______
Explanation: A purported exclusion identifier was not defined.
Action: This error is returned by the om_get() function. Ensure that you have defined all
exclusion identifers.
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: _______
Explanation: A purported modification identifier was not defined.
Action: This error is returned by the om_put() function. Ensure that you have defined all
modification identifers.
---------- OM_NO_SUCH_OBJECT
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: _______
Explanation: A purported object is nonexistent, or the purported handle is invalid.
Action: Ensure that you have indicated the correct object or a valid handle for the desired
---------- OM_NO_SUCH_SYNTAX
Severity: Error Component: Directory Services
Text: _______
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