OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide

Error Messages and Status Codes
0x16c9a0f7 rpc_s_auth_badseq
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Incorrect sequence number in authentication message
Explanation: Authentication between the client and server failed.
Action: This may be an attempt to violate system security.
0x16c9a0ee rpc_s_auth_badversion
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Authentication protocol version mismatch
Explanation: Authentication between the client and server failed.
Action: This may be an attempt to violate system security.
0x16c9a0f9 rpc_s_auth_field_toolong
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Authentication field too long for implementation
Explanation: An authentication packet with an authentication field exceeding
implementation limits was received. This packet is part of the authentication exchange
between the RPC runtime and the security server.
Action: This may be an attempt to violate system security.
0x16c9a0f8 rpc_s_auth_inapp_cksum
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Inappropriate authentication checksum type
Explanation: Authentication between the client and server failed.
Action: This may be an attempt to violate system security.
0x16c9a0f6 rpc_s_auth_method
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Alternative authentication method required
Explanation: Authentication between the client and server failed.
Action: This may be an attempt to violate system security.
0x16c9a0f0 rpc_s_auth_modified
Severity: Varies Component: rpc
Text: Authentication message stream modified
Explanation: Authentication between the client and server failed.
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